point production
(Last updated on 12/31/24)
kitsune statue
Good evening everyone,
New production update with special focus on current and upcoming productions.
We are sorry for the lack of communication since the last production point.
There are several reasons for this:
- We were in the process of accelerating all the stages with the factories to enable us to deliver as many statues as possible.
- With the Chinese New Year approaching, factory staff numbers are being reduced, and production rates will be slowed until February.
- We now work with just 4 trusted factories, which enables us to deliver quality projects. The aim is to optimize projects so that factories can concentrate on each stage per project.
For all these reasons, we are increasingly limiting our pre-orders.
One of our goals for 2024 was to catch up on all the backlog of old statues, and this has almost been achieved (with a total of 7 productions delivered: Sung, Kaiba, Code Geass, Boros, Nicky, Magicienne & Guts). -
Now we want to continue into 2025 with the same objective (to continue delivering your pre-orders old and new) to show you that you were right to put your trust in us. The year will start quickly with Meruem, Mikasa, Merlin and continue with everything else.
Attack of the Titans license
Mikasa: Production is complete. Currently, the assembly phase is underway, as is quality control. The factory is behind schedule due to non-receipt of packaging. We should have photos of the entire end of production in January (hopefully before Chinese New Year).
Hajime No Ippo license
Takamura: The factory is in charge of production, and we should be able to show you photos of all the coloring during April. We'll be able to show you more details at the next production update.
Solo Leveling license
Cha Hae-In: The factory is taking care of production, and we should be able to show you photos of all the coloring during April. We'll be able to show you more details at the next production update.
Hunter X Hunter license
Meruem: Production is finished.
The container has left the factory and we estimate delivery in January, with customer/shop deliveries in February.
Seven Deadly Sins license
Merlin: Production is complete. Currently, the assembly phase is underway, as is quality control. The factory is behind schedule due to non-receipt of packaging. We should have photos of the entire end of production in January (hopefully before Chinese New Year).
Claymore license
Clare vs Rigaldo: We're fully aware of the delay in this project.
This is our most ambitious project, but also our most complex (in terms of stability and the addition of metal, too).
As a result, the work done by the factory (during September-October) was totally destroyed by the factory, and we had to start again from scratch with one of our trusted factories.
The project is very complex, but we're finally going to be able to carry it out and make it a reality.
We'd like to apologize for our patience and delay, and thank you for your confidence.
To conclude, EVERYONE who has pre-ordered this statue on our website or via a store (on presentation of the purchase invoice or order number from our website) will be offered a 100€ coupon to be deducted from a NEXT pre-order on our Kitsune Statue website exclusively.
Fairy Tail license
Natsu: The factory had a lot of trouble with the sample. We should have the finished sample just after Chinese New Year.
The factory has already started work on pre-production to save time.
Bleach license
Hallibel: The factory has started work on the sample. We should have the first finished sample between March and April. The factory has already started work on pre-production to save time.
PVC License Hunter X Hunter
Kirua: Mass production is finished and we're waiting for the container to be delivered to the factory so we can send the production to our warehouse. The aim is to get this off the ground after Chinese New Year!
PVC License Berserk
Guts Berserker: Mass production is underway.
PVC Bleach License
Ichigo: Mass production is underway and deliveries will take place in the second quarter of 2025.
Print First 3D print made from the 3D file sent by our professional sculptor.
Sample factory product made from the prototype painted by a professional painter
White cast unpainted statue resulting from mass production.
As always, our aim is to keep you informed of the good news, but also of the bad.
We'll try to space out the production points a little so that you can have some significant information, but also plenty of photos to show you all the progress.
We thank you for your understanding and support.
The Kitsune Statue team